0637: Marriage Vendor in Camelot Church throws exception on sample

Reported by ☆ d10n at Sun, 15 May 2016 03:45:52 UTC
worldbuild bug
0 votes


The Wedding vendor "Annabel" in Camelot Church will throw an exception when attempting to get a sample. Instead of providing a sample or similar, the console generates the following message:

Annabel saysm "[TA|Exception] Group: 2662 ID: 5 -> System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanze fetgelegt. bie DOL.GS.TA.GiveItemAction.Execute(TAContext ctx, Object[] args, Int32 signature) in D:\dol\git\server\dol-cvs\GameServer\ta\objects\actions\items\GiveItemAction.cs: Zeile 65.
bei DOL.GS.TA.TAAction.Execute(TAContext ctx) in D:\dol\git\server\dol-cvs\GameServer\ta\objects\actions\TAAction.cs:Zeile 106. bie DOL.GS.TA.TriggerAction.DoActions(TAContxt ctx, Int32 startindex) in D:\dol\git\server\dol-cvs\GameServer\ta\objects\TriggerActions.cs:Zeile 384."

I think she's suppose dto say 'Try this awesome fish' or something less..stack-dumpy.

Reproduction Steps

1. Speak to Annabel in the Camelot church
2. Select "like"
3. Select "more information"
4. Select "refreshments"
5. Select "sample"

Intended Behavior

Fix the null reference exception. Possibly by providing the proper array index?


See the screenshot demonstrating the described behaviour.


issue was resolved by Nayru
1 player says this report is valid, 0 disagree


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