0444: Necro "Glimpse of Fate" incorrect range

Reported by ★ Falken at Wed, 11 May 2016 21:00:40 UTC
gamemechanic bug


"Minor zombie servant" runs closer to the mob to cast Glimpse of Fate spell when it says 1500 range, either tooltip is wrong or the range is incorrectly coded into it. I can cast another 1500 range spell and it goes off fine, then glimpse of fate after and he runs closer to mob to cast it.

Reproduction Steps

1. Make a level 2 disciple
2. summon your pet
3. cast glimpse of fate on any mob and watch @ ~1500 range and watch him run towards it to cast

Intended Behavior

Correct spell range on Glimpse of Fate (level 2) /50chars


I casted another spell w/ 1500 range, and then cast glimpse of fate after it, despite the mob being even closer he still runs closer to it to cast Glimpse of Fate.


Issue is a duplicate: #1401
4 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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