3969: Shaman Epic - Gashir

Reported by ☆☆☆ Lorgar at Wed, 22 Mar 2017 07:02:05 UTC
gamemechanic bug
0 votes


The quest says travel to Muspelheim and retrieve the fur of a firecat and noxious hound. Return to Inaksha with them.

You kill noxious hound and it doesn't drop fur. Location at 24k, 10.3k. Mobs should drop quest items such as fur 100% of the time. After over 20 kills there isn't a drop yet.

Reproduction Steps

1. Get quest
2. Kill required mob
3. Don't get required item
4. Do it again
5. Don't get required item
6. Continue killing mob
7. Never get required item
8. /wrist

Intended Behavior

This is not a unique drop. it's a "fur" required to complete the quest. There are no other quests where you have to farm mobs over and over and over to get a single stupid turn in item. This it not the correct mechanic. 1 kill = 1 drop.


This is common DAOC mechanics for all quest lines.


issue was resolved by Abydos
2 players say this report is valid, 1 disagrees


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