3862: I found a hole in Camelot that you can fall through

Reported by ☆ Vashts at Wed, 08 Mar 2017 07:07:24 UTC
gamemechanic bug


I found a hole that you can fall through in Camelot near the metalworking Forge at 29859 x 21991 x 8002, dir = 135. If you jump up the wall, eventually (after 2ish hops, usually) you fall through the floor.

Reproduction Steps

1. Go to the location
2. Point your character at the corner of the wall
3. Start running forward, and jump when your character stops running up.
4. Eventually, you fall through the floor.

Intended Behavior

You probably just need to put a collision box that stops players from going too far up the hill. Alternatively, maybe the colliders for the wall aren't fully sized. Check those?


I'm operating under the assumption that being able to jump through walls is not a feature supported by Uthgard. If getting through the walls is okay (there are no obvious gameplay consequences) then don't worry about it. If you don't want players doing it, here's just one of many holes in the world that needs filling at some point.


Issue was invalid:
Client issue, not fixable.
0 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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