3703: /gc logins not 1.65 so this is more a request with low prio

Reported by ★★ Inkognito at Sat, 18 Feb 2017 16:09:47 UTC
gamemechanic bug
0 confirmations


the guild command /gc logins is not implemented on daoc. I know this is a 1.69 feature like you can see here: http://camelotherald.wikia.com/wiki/Patch_Notes:_Version_1.69

New Commands and Command Changes

- We have added the /gc logins command. This command will toggle a flag on your character which will send a text message informing you whenever a member of your guild (who isn't anonymous) logs on or off.

i am in the starterguild, and tbh its really annoying to get all the time in systemchat the spam from guild member login or logoff.

When i read this notes correct.. this is not really working as intended on 1.65 because this feature came on live with 1.69 with a command to turn it on or off. So everyone could choose himself, if he want to see it or not.

Its ofc a low prio.. and its ofc not worth to say "remove it because its not 1.65" but pls pls.. its for sure worth to activate the command /gc logins, so we can turn it off!

so take this more as a request then a bugreport, even if its a bugreport too ;)

Reproduction Steps

1. /gc logins was with patch 1.69
2. join any guild
3. see that you are able now to see all login + logoff from guildies, and there is no way to turn it off.

Intended Behavior

either remove the logins+logout messages from system chat, or implement the command for /gc logins, so we can turn it off, when its annoying much^^


New Commands and Command Changes

- We have added the /gc logins command. This command will toggle a flag on your character which will send a text message informing you whenever a member of your guild (who isn't anonymous) logs on or off.


so for our 1.65 this login+logout should not be shown at all.. just to make it a bit more confortable for us, it would be nice, if you can disable this with the /gc logins command.

low prio but i want to write this request :)


issue is new, and needs confirmation
requires 3 more confirmations
votes (priority): 3
0 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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