3690: Dried Molded Scale Sleeves are missing Enchantment Bonus

Reported by ☆ Detfree at Fri, 17 Feb 2017 18:33:15 UTC
worldbuild bug
0 confirmations


The "Dried Molded Scale Sleeves" being dropped in Spraggon Den, are missing the Enchantment Bonus of 10%, it shows as 0%. When right-clicking the item, it is also specified as a "Scale Weapon" and not "Scale Armor," but can still be worn in the Sleeves slot of the character.

Reproduction Steps

1. Go to the Dungeon: Spraggon Den in Hibernia
2. Kill any of the following mobs until the item drops: 'pit spraggon', 'spraggon springer', or 'rock sprite'
3. Examine the Dried Molded Scale Sleeves for the details mentioned above: 'Scale Weapon' classification and the missing enchantment bonus which is 0% but should be 10%.

Intended Behavior

Change the item properties to: Bon: 10% and item classification from 'Scale Weapon' to 'Scale Armor'.





issue is new, and needs confirmation
requires 3 more confirmations
votes (priority): 0
0 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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