3436: Hib sheereo hills: Missing belt "Ciorcra Speal"

Reported by 🌟 Greenpeace at Tue, 31 Jan 2017 13:52:39 UTC
worldbuild bug
3 votes


When checking droplists of sheereo hills i noticed there are belts for any sort of meleeskill, be it pierce, blade, celtic spear or w/e.
Saw them all dropping on uth2 and also remember them from uth1.
But there seems to be 1 belttype of meleeskill missing and thats the one for scythe.

Daoc zam saying that belt exists and is named "Ciorcra Speal" but its not saying WHO is dropping it -_-

Reproduction Steps

1. Go to sheehills
2. Try to find the named that drops ciorcra speal
3. Success y/n ?:p

Intended Behavior

If we are able to figure out WHO should drop this belt and if it isn´t dropping already, add it to the droptable pls.


Realm: Hibernia
Slot: Waist
Magic Level: 50
Magical Bonuses:
Parry: +4 pts
Hits: 44 pts
Scythe: 4 pts
Magical Ability:
Function: Health Regen
Value: 6
Target: Self
Duration: 10 min
Cast Time: instant

Charges: 5
Starting Condition: 100%
Starting Duration: 100%
Default Bonus: 35%
Quality: 95%
Weight: 0.00 lbs
Utility: 51.00



This is some old update-page of daoc zam and for the date of "Thursday September 18, 2003" its showing "Ciorca Speal" added as new item for hibernia. So for sure before 1.65 hit (oct 3)


issue has been confirmed
votes (priority): 3
3 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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