2749: volley RA shoots less arrows than it should

Reported by 🌟 Allister at Sat, 26 Nov 2016 11:24:11 UTC
gamemechanic bug
32 votes


while trying the volley RA around a stack of mobs, i found out that it wasn't shooting its full potential : only 3 arrows max instead of 5

Reproduction Steps

1. make a bow user toon with volley RA
2. put your groundtarget near a stack of more than 3 mobs to achieve full strike chance of the 5 arrows
3. launch volley RA
4. chain 5 clicks (1 every second) to shoot the 5 arrows
5. check that only 3 fire before the RA is not active anymore

Intended Behavior

found this on a french forum thread 10/06/2003 explaining the use of volley :

here is a rapid summary and translation

Saying that volley needs longshot (8+6 RA points), doesn't need a line of sight, is ground targeted, has a minimal range of 66% bow range and around clippingrange max (3500 ?), timer of recast is 15 seconds, volley goes through any BT without poping it (like long shot), and does normal (non critshot) arrow damage, works effectively for 5 arrows in the following way :
- you select a ground target (or groundassist)
- you select volley and arm your bow
- you stay stealthed (consider normal stealth conditions for bow usage) until the first arrow is shot
- when ready, you can fire 5 arrows really fast (around 1 seconds between each) : 1 each time you click your bow (all 5 shots are all considered prepared already)
- they hit the ground around the groundtarget and don't always hit the same person or even hit anybody (they can hit only the ground and are said to "miss and hit the ground")
- it is considered that 2 arrows for example are "hitting" on average when there is a single person in the area of landing and that all 5 are rather sure to hit all if there are 3 or more potential targets in the area

"Vollée de flèches (8+6 points) : permet d'envoyer 5 flèches après avoir ciblé une zone au curseur (F7). Les 5 flèches partent très rapidement (toutes les secondes), et font les mêmes dégâts que les flèches normales (pas de tir précis). Les 5 flèches qui retombent dans la zone visée ne frappent pas forcément une personne et peuvent tomber dans l'herbe. En gros si il y a une seule cible dans la zone, 2 flèches touchent en moyenne, et dès qu'il y a plus de 3 personnes les 5 flèches touchent, de façon aléatoire. L'intérêt de cette RA est la portée, qui est environ celle du cliping (3500 ?), et son timer très faible (15 secondes) qui rend cette RA "quasi-passive". Volley est très utile en prise/défense de fort car il n'y a pas besoin d'avoir une ligne de visée pour envoyer les flèches. Cela permet aussi de révéler des furtifs qui campent à des endroits connus (murs, tp...). C'est un peu le 3eme oeil du pauvre. Prérequis : Longshot : permet d'envoyer 1 seule flèche à une portée 50% supérieure à la normale. timer de 5 minutes. Ca permet de finir un fuyard. Certains trouvent longshot indispensable, d'autres inutiles, à vous de tester . A noter que volley et longshot traversent toutes les bulles, mais sans les éclater. Par contre, évitez "

More links & infos on this thread
2477: Volley RA range incorrect...too short



in game screenshots


issue was resolved by Genjiro
20 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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