2436: Should be able to perform positional styles against keepdoor

Reported by 🌟 Greenpeace at Sat, 27 Aug 2016 21:04:28 UTC
gamemechanic bug
37 votes
needs more data


We should be able to perform positional styles against keepdoors in 1.65
Front- and side-styles that is.

It seems like a useless feature but this can have some impact for VWs and maybe even reavers taking part in keep- or even relicraids.

VWs would be able to perform blizzard blade(Sidecombo) against the door and damage +rupt enemies standing behind the doors at the same time.
If you have a bunch of VW you can pretty much stop any enemy pbaoe from bombing your zerg at the doors.

For any other melee it might help to deal to increase dealing meleedamage against doors if you dont have rams. For example savages using sidecombo ;)

Reproduction Steps

1. Log a vw or any melee with a side/front-style
2. Try to use sidecombo (for vw it would beStunning Blade,Wintersscythe, Blizzardblade)
3. Results?

Intended Behavior

Fix/change doors so melees can perform front + sidestyles.



"- Players can no longer do positional styles on doors."


issue has been confirmed
issue needs more data/research
votes (priority): 37
9 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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