2132: Ghastly ring of bone seem to have wrong stats

Reported by 🌟 Allister at Mon, 11 Jul 2016 22:02:33 UTC
worldbuild bug
4 votes


Checking housing for items to improve our SC calc DB, checking items from zham and zham wayback machine
Ghastly ring of bone (barrows drop)
+ 16 strength
+ 18 dexterity
+ 4 intelligence
+ 4 piety

lvl 39, qua 92, bonus 20%

Seem to have wrong stats that have been updated on 2005

Reproduction Steps

1. Check in game Ghastly ring of bone (barrows drop)
2. Check internet snapshots of zham updated january 2004
3. check the one in 2005

Intended Behavior

stats should be

Realm: Albion
Slot: Ring
Magic Level: 39
Magical Bonuses:
Piety: 4 pts
Intelligence: 4 pts
Dexterity: 4 pts
Strength: 4 pts
Armor Modifiers:
Quality: 10%
Condition: 100%
Starting Condition: 100%
Starting Duration: 100%
Default Bonus: 0%
Weight: 0.10 lbs
Level to Attain: 38
Levels of Use: 38 - 44
Rarity: Common
Last Updated: Jan 18 13:28:10 2004





issue was resolved by Genjiro
1 player says this report is valid, 0 disagree


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