2041: Mentalist Charm gets resisted way too much

Reported by ☆ p12r at Wed, 06 Jul 2016 08:07:06 UTC
gamemechanic bug


Im a lvl 50 Mentalist with 45+11 light spec
The level i can tame now is fixed according the right formula, but the resist rate on charm is way too high

When i tame a level 49 Siabra Waterwalker(humanoid mob with level 4 charm) Charm gets resisted every 2 pulses, sometimes 3-4 times in a row
I tried taming it with the highest charm (level 42 which tames all) cause i thought maybe its wrong calculated according level of the spell but it didnt make much difference

I whonder if the charm from mincer/sorc/hunter is having the same problems

Reproduction Steps

1. Create a mentalist
2. Charm a pet
3. Look if resist rates are correct , see how many times it gets resisted

Intended Behavior

I know there were problems with resists on bolts, maybe the resists on charm are not correct either? i never succeeded to hold a pet longer then 30 seconds without it attacking me


im not finding much info about it , i dont know if u guys use DoL code but i found a thread of the formula being questioned : http://www.dolserver.net/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=15518

also found on camelotherald pre 1.65 patch release notes mentioning a yellow mob should have very small resist rates, every 2-3 pulses sometimes 3 in a row isnt small

I can do more testing if u guys could tell me the formula of charm resist rate


Issue is a duplicate: #2489
42 players say this report is valid, 1 disagrees


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