1669: Bolt miss rates are too high

Reported by ☆☆☆ z9s at Tue, 14 Jun 2016 06:05:26 UTC
gamemechanic bug
38 votes


As outlined in Towbes thread (http://www.uthgard.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=37096&p=366305&hilit=bolt#p366305) the miss rate for bolt is over 20%.

Bolts should hit 85% of the time, so no higher than a 15% miss rate.

[Quote] Patch 1.24 " "Bolt" type spells will now hit almost always (85%). Against higher level monsters, you may do less damage, but you'll hit much more often. - All damage spells (DOT, Targeted, Directed Damage) will now hit more often, although they may do less damage against higher-level monsters. - Bandwidth usage in congested areas has been optimized by 15%. "

No changes to bolts hit/miss rate were made between 1.24 and 1.65 as can be viewed in Towbes thread where he lists all mentions of bolts in patchnotes between these two.

Reproduction Steps

1. Use GM/Dev powers to run simulation of 1000+ bolt casts on various con mobs (grey through purple)
2. Notate hit/miss %

Intended Behavior

Make adjustments (if your quick dev/gm simulations match Towbes and my own logs) so that bolts hit 85% of the time, as the patchnotes indicate it should be!


Intended behavior -



issue was resolved by Blue
14 players say this report is valid, 1 disagrees


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