1589: Hib: Midar in Valley of Bri Leith incorrect drops.

Reported by 🌟 Greenpeace at Sat, 11 Jun 2016 17:45:32 UTC
worldbuild bug
9 votes


Killing midar will result, if lucky, in getting bracer/s called Midar's Bracer of X(there are 3 version of it)
However these drops didnt exist in 1.65 and came way later.
Midar himself existed on that spot but had no special drops before that time.

Reproduction Steps

1. Go to bri leith
2. Find midar
3. Kill midar
4. Check for bracerdrops

Intended Behavior

Remove them from midars droplist, unless i´m wrong ^^


First time the bracerdrops were listed on daoc zam are from 2006

That french page is listing them as for 1.75(introduced 2005)

As i said midar existed before but had no bracerdrops :p He was just a useless named
See this topic from 2002.


issue was resolved by Trishin
6 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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