0156: Necromancer are NOT getting damage bonus for Undead.

Reported by ☆☆ Avenged at Sun, 08 May 2016 20:00:46 UTC
gamemechanic bug


Necromancers are not getting their damage bonus to undead type mobs when using spirit-based damage spells. An example would be our Lifetap and Power-Drain spells.

Reproduction Steps

1. Make a necro, auto level to 10 or any level.
2. Attack an Undead mob
3. There is no + damage being applied. Spirit spells vs. Undead mobs should have + damage.

Intended Behavior

I imagine this would have to be changed across the board. Spirit spells do extra damage to undead. Where its necro spells or otherwise.


Not only am I maining a necro and have verified that + damage isn't being applied, I have asked over 10 other necromancers who have confirmed they are not getting the bonuses.


Issue is a duplicate: #0125
0 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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