1273: Theurg Ice Pet Auto Pulls

Reported by ☆☆ i9n at Wed, 01 Jun 2016 04:03:10 UTC
gamemechanic bug
5 votes
needs more data


Previous issue that was supposedly resolved, was not. Happened to me this morning. Seems like the mob respawns while I still have an active Ice pet and the pet starts attacking again.

Reproduction Steps

1. get an ice theurg
2. get into Df and start nuking plated fiends
3. wait till you get an overachiever as pet

Intended Behavior

pets should not be allowed to pull on their own. i maybe not always make the best decisions and send them into death, but that's how it's supposed to be!


i can not link to anything. But there seems to be a minor glitch somewhere in the code. I can't even be sure it is not livelike.


issue has been confirmed
issue needs more data/research
votes (priority): 5
6 players say this report is valid, 1 disagrees


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